Photographic Peace Quotes Calendar
We’ve tried everything else. Let’s try peace.
So what do I think peace looks like? It does not look like wimping out. It does not lack conflict or differences of opinion. It is not sweetly sentimental. Peace is tough, hard to maintain, and full of harsh realities.
Casualties of war are those who kill as well as those who are killed.
Peace is spelled J-U-S-T-I-C-E.
On the world stage it is not those with blood on their hands who are the most dangerous, but those who sit, with clean hands, in positions of power.
Since 1981 Concepcion has maintained a 24/7 vigil for peace across the street from the White House. Some people say she’s crazy. I say if that’s crazy, what do you call the men who make war?
There is but one weapon to wipe out hatred: love.
Ideas are strengthened by their opposites.
The Earth is our home. Why are we destroying it?
When we pollute the air, we cut short the very breath we need to speak out on its behalf.
Wanting peace is good;
Working for peace is better;
Being peace is best.
When our work for peace takes center stage, we must be willing to step into the spotlight.
If presidents and generals had to spend one afternoon a month with the children who suffer and die in their wars, would wars cease?
War does not liberate; it enslaves.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had more than a dream; he had the courage to speak out while others remained silent. Of the war in Vietnam, Dr. King said, “The great initiative in this war is ours; the initiative to stop it must be ours.” How I wish he were here today.
World peace is not a dream; it is an, as yet, unfulfilled reality.
The hand reached out in peace is always open.
When one becomes intimate with persons in another part of the world, peace is no longer an abstraction.
I pledge allegiance to green leaves on trees, to the morning song of birds, to the musky smell of damp earth under my feet, to gossamer threads woven by spiders, to rain, wind, clouds and sun. I am a citizen of the Earth.
I join with others to protest war not because I think we can change the minds of our government’s leaders, but because it is how I stay true to myself.
For an antiwar activist, the challenge is to stay focused on the issues not the personalities.
Silence in the face of atrocities is a deadly poison; speaking truth, its only antidote.
Peace is catching. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we had a worldwide epidemic?
Intensity may disturb us, but change never comes without it.
An ugly truth is better than a lovely lie.
To embrace peace one must first embrace the world’s suffering.
Justice is the key that opens the door to peace.
We become what we love…and what we hate.
Peace is not the absence of conflict but the willingness to resolve conflicts nonviolently.
If peace were a ladder, peace in the face of death would be its top rung.
Peace will come because it must.