Photographic Peace Quotes Calendar
Peace lives in the silence.
The best teachers are those who do not know they are teaching; they’re simply living their lives.
If we were each pursuing the path that is uniquely ours, we’d have no time for war.
Unchecked arrogance, power and greed are weapons of mass destruction.
Absolute power is incompatible with peace.
Active listening requires that we stop thinking about what we’re going to say next.
Maturity means coming into our full humanity.
This moment is all there is.
Diversity, like a collection of disparate objects, is more interesting than sameness could ever be.
Our sense of privilege as whites prevents us from seeing that racial injustice is the norm in our country.
Public apathy is the best friend of power-hungry leaders.
The dark side of the moon only seems so because our shadow obscures the reality of its existence. To see the truth, we must learn to get out of our own way.
Waging war to create peace, like yelling “Shut up!” to obtain silence, simply doesn’t work.
Respect, courage, humility and compassion are the peacemaker’s tools.
Beauty evokes peace on a cellular level.
Like a rock worn smooth, we lose our rough edges over time.
The answer for which we search is often hidden in plain sight.
Compassion (suffering with) is an important step on the path towards active solidarity with the oppressed.
When we look at the familiar from an unfamiliar angle, we see new possibilities.
Lies twisted into interesting shapes can look like truth to uncritical eyes.
Peace needs deep roots to stand firm against the gravitational pull of violence.
Watch the children. Like mirrors, they reflect the best and worst of who we are as a culture.
Gratuitous insults to the beliefs of others burn holes in the fabric of society.
Secrecy prevents truth from coming to light.
Freedom and liberty come at a high price: peace.
When reality goes off the deep end, it’s time to create a new reality. Some call it fantasy; I call it dreaming truth into being.
It's not a matter of your life being exciting, but of your eyes and heart being open to the wonder of the ordinary.