Photographic Peace Quotes Calendar
Northern California after the rainy season is so beautiful that the cold, wet days and nights of January and February are soon forgotten. Will it be like that for us when peace finally replaces war?
Do you think Baggs the SuperDog would be willing to go to Washington, DC to keep those unruly politicians in line?
Action needs its anchor, solitude, in order to be effective.

Together, all things are possible.
How a country treats immigrants, refugees and asylum-seekers reflects its citizens' awareness of their place in the global human family.
How hungry we are for the sweet taste of peace!
Compassion helps us see the beloved humanity of our enemies.
As this new day dawns, peacemakers are set free to continue their work.
When we justify one lie with another, we run the risk of believing them ourselves.
It takes courage to replace ignorance with knowledge, for knowledge upsets the status quo.
Purrrr…It’s spring!
The first flowers of spring are promises kept.
The world's children are the canaries in our mine.
The cost of war creates a debt that can never be paid.
The greatest shame is not in losing the war, but in becoming that which you're fighting against.
As long as I keep my feet firmly planted on the earth, peace comes oozing up, musky and moist, from between my toes.
Why is it that the peoples who suffer the most violence and oppression never forget to sing and dance?
When the pain of compassion threatens to overwhelm us, we must find pockets of peace in which to be refreshed and restored.
May all those who put their lives at risk for peace be protected from harm.
Those who give their lives for peace disarm the world.
Like robins who return to Michigan in early March, we peaceworkers can sometimes feel we’re in the wrong place at the wrong time. But, like the robins, we must believe that spring will come.
To see through lies, simply take the time to analyze each new fact against what you already know to be true.
Hope is not bound by the here and now.
It is the women who will stop war.
So often a nation’s enemies are those whom they bolstered into power. Why do we grow to despise that which we created?
There are no winners in war: it is a lose-lose proposition.
To understand the present and envision the future, we must examine the past.
Hidden behind the plethora of information that bombards us every day is the peace we seek. We just need to slow down to see it.
Each of us is a unique piece of the puzzle. Our task is to figure out exactly where we fit.
Nothing has to fit our preconceived ideas; in fact, it’s better if it doesn’t.
Being pro-active for peace replaces despair with hope.